Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight the movie I saw!

I love it SO MUCH!
But Taylor Lautner (or whoever he is) that plays
Jacob Black has extremely long hair that's practically
down to his ankles. And robert pattinson has a huge head. But he's still a perfect Edward-gorgeous Edward.
Kristen stewert has no sense of humor.
Victoria is freaky.
James is greusome.
Tyler (who drives the blue van that nearly killed Bella)
Is black skinned.
Billy Burke (Charlie Swan) Has good Charlie acting skills.
Rosalie is... a perfect Rosalie.
Emmett is hilarious and big muscled.
Forks is grimy and polluted.
It is never sunny in Forks.
(For some reason I pictured Forks to be a sunny, happy place)
Carlisle looks like he had plastic surgery.
Renee is gramma old.
Yeah, other than that Twilight was I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E.
I can see how Summit Entertainment got their title.



Sylwia said...

i think the guy who played edward was hideous. he was so hard to look at that i had to keep looking down because it was distracting me from the movie. he had make up on, his nose was crooked, his hair was weird, and he was skinny and hairy. yuck! i guess not everyone can be as buff and sexy as my husband, but they should be able to find one good looking actor for such a big movie!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should go see it?

(That is, if my parents will let me)

Would you recommend it to a 14 year old BOY??

-- hobo the Ethan

Becca said...
