Friday, August 22, 2008

Something wierd that's happening to my chin:

Ok. This is going to sound gross. But as after lunch I went
to the bathroom to rinse off my hands, I noticed that the
skin on my chin was peeling off. I don't know why! So
I peeled off the rest of the skin the was hanging off and
headed to my next class. But right now I'm guess-timating
that it's probably from my head-gear that I put on every
I got my headgear last Monday. I have to wear it every day
for at least 11 hours.

I'm finally starting to get the hang of where all my classes
are. It's convenient where my locker is postioned.

1 comment:

PriNcEsS-LeXi said...

haha interesting blog...but let me tell you, pictures help...take it from me, the blog expert!!