Monday, December 29, 2008

The bad, worse, and ugly

No one check my blog anymore, okay? I really didn't have to say that cause no one ever does.

Bye, forever!


Karin said...

Hey silly! I have you in my google reader so I don't have to go to your actual site, it just updates in my own reader. I read every time you post. I just am not really a commenter. Your family loves you, don't you trust us?


Sylwia said...

i have you on my blogroll, so when you write a new post it notifies me. so i only check it when you write something new.

by the way, can you remove the word verification from you comments? thanks

Becca said...

Sorry, Sylwia, I get annoyed at that stuff too, but it's not me who's putting the word verifications on there. And I don't really think they can be removed.